What We Do
We offer a One Stop Shop for Property Development but we specialise in carrying out Viability Appraisals.
A Viability Assessments is often requested by a council to
validate a planning application.
The purpose of the report is to comment on the economic
viability of the proposed development in light of the current market conditions
at the time of the report and to set out a proposal for the S106 obligations at
a level the scheme can support whilst remaining viable.
RICS define financial appraisals for planning purposes as:
“An objective financial viability test of the ability of
a development project to meet its costs including the cost of planning
obligations whilst ensuring an appropriate site value for the landowner and a
market risk adjusted return to a developer in delivering a project’.

Viability Assessments
Use Industry resources to produce comparable present & historic sales data to establish the Gross Development Value.
Development Appraisals
The RICS definition is a “Development appraisal a financial appraisal of a development.”
Development Consultancy
With over 20 years’ experience developing property throughout the United Kingdom, we can help you.